Kids Room


Kids Play While You Work

We have plenty of Educational toys and books for your little ones to enjoy and keep them happy & occupied

while you work.

Our Kids Play Room also has a TV for the kids if they prefer to watch Elmo & etc.

View Your Child From Any Room

Mama Jama knows exactly what it is like, to want to make your dreams come true and be able to let your creative and artistic juices flow. Mama Jama also knows how difficult it is to make that dream a reality when you have kids. That is why Mama Jamas Studio also offers a Kids Play Room, which is monitored and can be viewed from any of our TV Monitors in which ever room you are in.

Musical Toys, Props & More

Mama Jama is all about the kids and making sure they are happy, intrigued, and keeping their imaginations soaring. What better way is there to do that then to let them play with a Piano made especially for kids, or pretend to put on a show, or an actor, or director, and so on?

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